Ready to create your own Bushfood garden?
We have you covered with our exclusive Bushfood Garden Design and Education package!
Indigenous Australians' food, medicines, shelter and resources all came from their knowledge and intricate understanding of nature, agroecology, and sustainability practices. Now you can experience the benefits of this knowledge with your own Bushfood Garden Design, complete with educational package, designed specifically for you.
Our designs take the guesswork of what to plant, where, and how to use native plants so you can experience the deep cultural connections that native plants and bushfoods bring to your home, school, workplace or rural property.
All the hard work is done for you by our qualified and professional bushfood and native plant permaculture designer who will work with you to uncover your visions and transform them into a beautiful bushfood oasis.
Our custom-made, sustainable and resilient garden designs are not only beautiful, but they're also educational and functional for year-round use.
Idea for:​
connecting to Country and culture
land regeneration
education and teaching spaces
practical rural, urban and commercial spaces
healing spaces, nature therapy and bush medicine gardens
native sensory gardens
growing bushfoods and edible plants to improve food security
provide habitat and shelter for animals
creating sustainable health and environments to combat climate change
and most importantly, creating meaningful designs and lifestyles with impact.
Experience The Australian Bushfood Education Centre's leading Bushfood Garden design and Education service today!. Contact us with your vision and our expert will get in touch to discuss how we can support your bushfood garden project.
Our Mission
We believe in designing sustainable lifestyles that are inspired by nature and Australian Native Foods. Our mission is to create spaces that not only look beautiful but also contribute to the health and wellbeing of the earth and its people. At the Australian Bushfood Education Centre, we incorporate the principles and ethics of Indigenous Australian culture, permaculture, and naturopathy. This includes using nature to care for the earth, care for people, and enable fair share for all to nurture ourselves now, and future-proof our wellbeing for generations to come..